chiwawas (or wawas 4 short) r super kool doggz that r smal nd shake around a lot cuz they hav 2 much koolnes in thier bodiez 2 contain :3 dey r epik n awezomesauce n bark rlly loud evn tho they r smal.
lotz of ppl HATE WAWAS cuz dey ar MEAN TO THEM nd MAEK THEM ANGRI cuz dey ar smal n epik so dey get jelos nd then da wawas get mad nd bite dem. DEN THEY BLAME THE WAWA??????? STUPID!!!!
HUMANZ SUk!!!!!!!! WAWAS 4EVa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heer r sum pix of wawas to proove dey r tha best XP